2. For the following values, write a program to evaluate the expression
z = a*b+(c/d)-e*f ;
3. Write a program to evaluate the area and perimeter of the rectangle.
4. Write a program to evaluate the volume of a cylinder.
5. Write a program to evaluate the net salary of an employee given the following constraints
Basic salary : $ 12000
DA : 12% of Basic salary
HRA : $150
TA : $120
Others : $450
Tax cuts – a) PF :14% of Basic salary and b) IT: 15% of Basic salary
Net Salary = Basic Salary + DA + HRA + TA + Others – (PF + IT)
*Chú ý:
- puts và gets chỉ dùng cho chuỗi
- Cấu trúc lệnh: puts(string); gets(string);
- puts sẽ đặt con trỏ ở dòng tiếp theo sau kết quả
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