1. Write a C Program to store student data in a structure. The data should include student ID, name, course registered for, and year of joining. Write a function to display the details of students enrolled in a specified academic year. Write another function to locate and display the details of a student based on a specified student ID.
2. Write a C program to store 5 lengths in a structure array. The lengths should be in the form of yards, feet and inches. Sort and display the lengths.
3. Write a C Program to store employee details in a structure array. The data should include emploee ID, name, salary, and date of joining. The date of joining should be stored in a structure. The program should perform the following operations based on a menu selection:
a. Increase the salaries according to the following rules:
Salary Range
Percentage increase
<= 2000
> 2000 and <= 5000
No increase
b. Display the details of employees who complete 10 years with the company.
4. Write a C program to implement an inventory system. Store the item number, name, rate and quantity on hand in a structure. Accept the details for five items into a structure array and display the item name and its total price. At the end, display the grand total value of the inventory.
5. Write a C program to store the names and scores of 5 students in a structure array. Sort the structure array in descending order of scores. Display the top 3 scores.
Struct là 1 kiểu dữ liệu trong C nhưng không phải do thư viện của C định nghĩa, mà do chính người dùng định nghĩa.
Cú pháp của struct:
typedè struct Tênstruct{
Kiểudữliệu1 Tênbiến1;
Kiểudữliệu2 Tênbiến2;
Cách khai báo biến: TênStruct TênbiếnStruct;
Khi muốn truy nhập đến các trường của struct ta dùng cú pháp: TênbiếnStruct.TrườngStruct.
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